Wednesday, 18 November 2009

More sewing

Well, I've recovered from the weekend and all that scrapping! I'm now sewing like mad for a Christmas Fayre next Sunday! I've made three hats today, (how I don't know - amazing what you can do in ten minutes here and there when you try!!) so I'm really chuffed. Onward and upward, I'm just cutting out some different fleece to make two more, but I really must get on with some bags. I have to say, bags are hard going at the mo!, but who knows what tomorrow will bring!!!

On that note, I'm off, see you soon!

Sunday, 15 November 2009


I'm way too tired to work out why those pics are hanging off the edge, so I'll just load them again!!

The only problem is where to put all these LOs, I've run out of album space! Santa, are you listening??!!

Cyber crop

My DD recovered and went to school (not without protest!) so I didn't get my day, but this weekend has been the Wicked cyber crop on UKS, based on the Wizard of Oz. I am extremely proud of myself 'cos I did most of the challenges and several classes. I have made 12 LOs altogether AND a fantastic mini book from a class by Annette (Voodoo Vixon)!

(Jayne'll kill me for using that photo!!! LOL)

I am so completely scrapped out for now, but I've had a really good weekend!! Many thanks to my family for behaving and for feeding me (for a change!) Love ya!!!!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Not much news.

Well, I've made some stone chip bracelets but have not finished the beaded bauble! (no surprise there!) but I do have the excuse that I ran out of thread!

One of my daughters is poorly this evening, and I have the horrible feeling that I'm not going to make it to work tomorrow, which I have to say is quite disappointing (I am beginning to love my job - there is never a dull moment and time flies! The only down side is not having enough time for doing "my things!") You never know, there could be a silver lining, I might get something done tomorrow.

Watch this space!!! Ha ha!

Thursday, 5 November 2009

November already!!

Oh no, again, I can't believe time is passing sooooo quickly, November already!!

Well, I have settled into my job and I'm just beginning to start to make things again, even tho it is very slow!!! I have actually managed to complete a scrap page this month and today I have started to make a beaded bauble for Christmas. (Only because a friend phoned me to ask if I'd like to share a table with her at a Christmas Fayre!!! Whoops, I've not much to sell!!!) Anyway, my craft room is finished and I now have a clear table on which I can leave things to complete when I have five minutes!!

I will try to be a better blogger in future and attempt to update more regularly, not leave it for another month!!!

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Oh no!!!!

I cannot believe that I've been so lax!!! No blogs since the beginning of October!!

Well, I've found a part time job but it is more or less school hours, so I've no free "me " time anymore!!! Hopefully when I get back in the swing of things I'll start sewing again, I miss it so much!!! (Ha ha, for one that doesn't do sewing !!!)

Thursday, 1 October 2009


.....another cushion cover! This one has the same fake suede on the back and a dolphin fat quarter that I bought AGES ago to make Katie a cushion cover!!! Yay, done it at last!!!! (How many years did it take?!?!)

Teddy one!!

A teddy keyring made for a birthday pressie!! Hope she likes it, took longer to sew than a big bear!!!! Very fiddly but very sweet!

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Here is a LO made with Jaynes fabulous kit, love it this month although I'd never think to put these colours together, they really work well!
The journalling reads "Every year we plant pumpkin seeds, just for Halloween Jack O'lanterns. Last year was awful, the plants did not grow at all. This year, although the little things took a while to get started, at least we will have some "mini" jacks for the front doorstep."

I really must get on and do some more sewing; there is a purse and a tote bag to be made by Thursday and the material is sitting behind me waiting to be cut!! I'm also going to hook out some old teddy pattern books and see if I can adapt some patterns for material, not fur! Don't think my lovely machine would be very happy to sew fur fabric at the moment - I'll need to treat it to bigger needles I think!!

Friday, 25 September 2009

More pencil cases.

I've had some requests for boys pencil cases, so here we are!!

Navy Seal, Desert Storm and Camo, no less!! (Good old Fabricland!) One problem, they need edging by the zip, so I've hooked out some twill ribbon. I think I need bias binding, but I've NO idea how to use it!!

I also found some gorgeous fake tiger skin, so that one is in the process of being made!! Pics to follow when its complete, of course!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Look what I've made!!

I'm feeling very chuffed today, I've figured out how to make a zipped purse! - Pics at the bottom. (Recognise the material Jayne?)

Here are some pictures of some bags I've made recently, too! The blue one is reversable. (Thank you Olive, for showing me how!!)

Right, back to the machine to make some more purses, whoopee!!!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009


I'm here!!! After a weekend of decorating and having the living room (and house) in turmoil, we are actually getting somewhere and starting to get things back in their right places. We had no intention of starting the painting just yet, but, so typically of our family, dashed straight ahead. I have to say, it does look great and so very clean and its only taken us four years to get around to!!!

Apart from that, although I seem to have had a chaotic week, I've got nothing done, so a very boring blog, I'm afraid!! Hopefully next week, I'll be back to normal and will have more news!!!

Monday, 7 September 2009

A catch up.

Two layouts using Jayne's September kit (

Ah, phone call catch ups and general tidying today, booo-rrrring, but necessary! (Might sneak off later to make another cushion cover, though!)

Saturday, 5 September 2009

The joys of country life.....

.....are many, but broadband speed is NOT one of them!!!! I will try to upload the photos from yesterday, but I have been trying for an hour to write an email, so don't hold your breath!!!

Aha, I think we've got it!!! Pencil cases and a cushion cover!! Ta da!!!

OK, enough excitement for one day, I think!!! See you soon!

Friday, 4 September 2009


OK, so the holiday went like a weekend.... much too fast, but now that the girls are back at school, I have time to sew and scrap again! I have been busy sewing (hmmm might have to rename my blog) and have made some pencil cases for the girls as I refuse to pay £6 + for a shop bought one! Katie found some fake suede in a fabulous (cheap) fabric shop while we were away, and wanted a cushion cover made from it, so I made one which has gone down so well I now have to make another to match it!! My broadband is playing up at the mo. so I will add a photo later. Also, I'm trying to scrap, and upload the LO I've done with Jaynes flowers, so I'll be back later!!

Thursday, 27 August 2009

I really can't believe.....

...that the holiday is nearly over and I haven't blogged at all!!

Life has been very hectic; we have had visitors, we've been away twice and now we are jus' chillin' 'cos we're absolutely exhausted, I'll need a holiday to get over this one, but I will SOOO miss my girls when they go back to school.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Day one.

This is the first day of the holidays and we are having a lazy day. There was a leavers/last day of term BBQ and disco at school last night and we all had a good time but we are quite tired this morning. We have the dubious honour of the school gerbil for part of the hols. He is in his cage in the corner, but somehow is getting sawdust ALL over the floor - guess the vacuum will be getting a workout this summer. He is quite sweet though! (Yes, I know gerbils should be in pairs but this one was the last in the petshop and they thought it would be unwise to pair him with any other, he seems happy enough!)

The weather today is just horrendous, really heavy showers and short sunny spells, so I'm glad we had nothing planned. I hope the weather will improve soon, it will be nice to get out on bikes and do lots of dog walks and you never know, we might even get to the beach!! I NEED to take loads of photos for plenty of winter scrapping!!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009


Here are the teachers gifts, done at last!

The yellow notebook and pen are for the secretary who has been helpful this year, the notebok and pen in blue are for the TA, and the set of notebook, pen and post-it holder will be for the girls teacher. I hope they all like them! The quotation inside the holder was on UKS, but had no author.

Its sports day today, postponed from yesterday when the weather was really miserable! Today is not much better, but at least its not raining!! Bah, roll on summer!!!! Hmmmm!!!

Can't wait for the holidays now, its getting really difficult to be motivated in the mornings, still one more day to go! Yay!!!

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Lazy day.

Had a great time shopping with the girls yesterday - they "really needed!!" skinny jeans and just had to have them now!! (I don't usually give in so easily, but I did have a mega throw out of some clothes that were too small this week!) We did the out of town Next, Pets at home (for dog food), Staples (for some card + for me) and Matalan. We found some skinny jeans and a skirt, and got a fit of the giggles in the big bra and big pant department!! Great fun!!! and we're all happy!!!

We went to a party last night and stayed out until 1.30, unheard of for us poor ol' fogey country bumpkins! so we're having a really lazy day. It was great to meet up with some old friends but we wouldn't want to go out like that every week!! Couldn't afford to either!!!

Tomorrow I will start the teachers gifts, I've decided on personalised notebooks, pens and post it holders, so had to go buy some pens (hence the visit to Staples!) Watch this space.

I've just set a challenge for my social group on UKS; use something in your stash that you'd forgotten you had, add some ribbon or fabric, hide something behind something. Possible time waster for tomorrow!!Ha!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Doesn't time fly!

Today has gone so quickly! I did all my chores first, then had about four hours to myself, ahhh, scrappin' time. I only managed to do two LO's for SLYMI, but I really like them. It took me ages to find the right photo, I really must get around to sorting all my "film" photos, we have loads and I think we must have shuffled them at some point!! Arrrgggghhhhh! Right, I'm back to the scrapping now, yet more SLYMI!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Today I have moved mountains............ of ironing!! Been doing it all day and I'm still going, (well, I will be when I can tear myself away from my PC!) Still, caught up with some dvds that we bought ages ago and haven't watched, so the time went quickly.
Tomorrow the girls are going to a party after school, so I will have a nice long day to myself. Teachers gifts call and you never know, a LO or two may make an appearance!!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Bad blogger!

Another card, similar to my other, but still really cool, I think!

Well, I've not been on my PC much, but what have I been doing? Hmmm, not much really. Two layouts today, both for Scrap Like You Mean It; I've nearly caught up now, only 5 more to go! I have to say that I'm really pleased with this weeks attempt - Use needles or thread. My very first attempt at sewing on a LO!! (Hey, who says I don't sew?!?!?!)

Tuesday, 7 July 2009


Really tired today, not done a great deal of anything!! Did a layout yesterday, to catch up with scrap like you mean it, and will try to do some more tomorrow, only 7 more to catch up with. I also have to make some bunting for the girls school at the local village fete. (Huh, more sewing!!) Hmmm, might make some more cards too! Watch this space!!

Thursday, 2 July 2009


I've made two cards today! (Recognise the charm?.....yes, I've used one at last!) And I've really enjoyed making them. Don't know if I can part with them now tho'!! (What am I like?!?!) Ha, like anyone wants to buy them anyway!

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Credit crunch!

Well, I guess there really is no money around!! I came home with both fudge AND cakes, apparently unheard of before, but at least it won't go to waste!! (maybe waist!?!?)

Since the weekend, I've finished the last bags, and they've gone now, so hopefully back to card making and scrapping tomorrow. I have just set an inter team challenge for my social group on UK Scrappers; use a curve or circles, use something shiny, use something you've bought recently. I think I will do my layout in the morning. I also have to catch up with Scrap like you mean it, another weekly challenge on UKS.

Thursday, 25 June 2009


Yesterday I posted the first five bags (hope they get to you Karen!!!), and today I've delivered one to the TA at school, so only five more to go!! I've also been making fudge for a summer craft fair on Saturday. I'm also taking cards, bears and other stuff, but not bags, cos the person who invited me makes bags and other material things (very pretty!) so I won't tread on any toes!!!

Monday, 22 June 2009

Happy Monday!

I'm happy dancing round the house, but quietly panicking too! I've just had two orders of five bags, plus a teaching assistant wants one, so I'm going to be busy with my sewing machine for a wee while!! (Thanks Karen!!) Who says I don't sew?!?! Yikes!!!! I've got all the material cut today, but we had Brownies this evening and I was one of the parent helpers, and we went for a lovely walk around Old Sarum ruins, phew!! Feet are killing me now!!!

Friday, 19 June 2009

Another busy day!

Hey hey, what a great cake sale! I spent the morning baking and icing, then took my produce to school and managed to sell the three bags I made, some cards and some other things I took along! I also sold 15 out of 20 bags of fudge. (I'm kinda glad some was left - its very yummy!! and almost all gone already!! we all feel sick now!)

Thursday, 18 June 2009


Been making fudge today, twenty bags for our cake sale at school tomorrow, fairy cakes to make tomorrow morning. This evening, I feel the need to use some of those charms! Hmmmm, a spot of card making I think, with my very best bezzie!!!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Busy day.

I've been busy today, preparing for Jaynes visit, made three more bags and did a layout for Scrap Like You Mean It, a year long challenge with a new LO to make every week. (Of course, I just had to include their birthday AND my bags!)

I also took some pics of the cards I made them!

They are too young for real high heels,(which they wanted desparately) so I made them some!!! Ha ha!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Can't wait!!!!

My bezzie is visiting tomorrow, whoopee!


A trip to town for a dentist appointment turned into a shopping trip when we arrived to be told that they had sent us a letter to cancel the appt. "ages ago"!! Hmmm. OK, lets go shopping instead! The girls had birthday money burning a hole in their pockets, so a visit to the most expensive soft toy shop in town was in order. (I have to say that I was exactly the same, a complete push over for a teddy with a "take me home" face!!) They did make good choices tho', a husky to be called "Avalanche" and an orangutan called "Kiki" - both very cuddly!!
I also bought more material to make some more bags! (Shakes head, Why, why, I don't do sewing!!!!)

Monday, 15 June 2009

A challenge

I found these charms for £1 so of course just had to have them! Just need to make some cards to put them on now! Watch this space!

By the way, the cake is delicious!!! (Even if the photo is rubbish!)