Friday, 24 July 2009

Day one.

This is the first day of the holidays and we are having a lazy day. There was a leavers/last day of term BBQ and disco at school last night and we all had a good time but we are quite tired this morning. We have the dubious honour of the school gerbil for part of the hols. He is in his cage in the corner, but somehow is getting sawdust ALL over the floor - guess the vacuum will be getting a workout this summer. He is quite sweet though! (Yes, I know gerbils should be in pairs but this one was the last in the petshop and they thought it would be unwise to pair him with any other, he seems happy enough!)

The weather today is just horrendous, really heavy showers and short sunny spells, so I'm glad we had nothing planned. I hope the weather will improve soon, it will be nice to get out on bikes and do lots of dog walks and you never know, we might even get to the beach!! I NEED to take loads of photos for plenty of winter scrapping!!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009


Here are the teachers gifts, done at last!

The yellow notebook and pen are for the secretary who has been helpful this year, the notebok and pen in blue are for the TA, and the set of notebook, pen and post-it holder will be for the girls teacher. I hope they all like them! The quotation inside the holder was on UKS, but had no author.

Its sports day today, postponed from yesterday when the weather was really miserable! Today is not much better, but at least its not raining!! Bah, roll on summer!!!! Hmmmm!!!

Can't wait for the holidays now, its getting really difficult to be motivated in the mornings, still one more day to go! Yay!!!

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Lazy day.

Had a great time shopping with the girls yesterday - they "really needed!!" skinny jeans and just had to have them now!! (I don't usually give in so easily, but I did have a mega throw out of some clothes that were too small this week!) We did the out of town Next, Pets at home (for dog food), Staples (for some card + for me) and Matalan. We found some skinny jeans and a skirt, and got a fit of the giggles in the big bra and big pant department!! Great fun!!! and we're all happy!!!

We went to a party last night and stayed out until 1.30, unheard of for us poor ol' fogey country bumpkins! so we're having a really lazy day. It was great to meet up with some old friends but we wouldn't want to go out like that every week!! Couldn't afford to either!!!

Tomorrow I will start the teachers gifts, I've decided on personalised notebooks, pens and post it holders, so had to go buy some pens (hence the visit to Staples!) Watch this space.

I've just set a challenge for my social group on UKS; use something in your stash that you'd forgotten you had, add some ribbon or fabric, hide something behind something. Possible time waster for tomorrow!!Ha!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Doesn't time fly!

Today has gone so quickly! I did all my chores first, then had about four hours to myself, ahhh, scrappin' time. I only managed to do two LO's for SLYMI, but I really like them. It took me ages to find the right photo, I really must get around to sorting all my "film" photos, we have loads and I think we must have shuffled them at some point!! Arrrgggghhhhh! Right, I'm back to the scrapping now, yet more SLYMI!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Today I have moved mountains............ of ironing!! Been doing it all day and I'm still going, (well, I will be when I can tear myself away from my PC!) Still, caught up with some dvds that we bought ages ago and haven't watched, so the time went quickly.
Tomorrow the girls are going to a party after school, so I will have a nice long day to myself. Teachers gifts call and you never know, a LO or two may make an appearance!!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Bad blogger!

Another card, similar to my other, but still really cool, I think!

Well, I've not been on my PC much, but what have I been doing? Hmmm, not much really. Two layouts today, both for Scrap Like You Mean It; I've nearly caught up now, only 5 more to go! I have to say that I'm really pleased with this weeks attempt - Use needles or thread. My very first attempt at sewing on a LO!! (Hey, who says I don't sew?!?!?!)

Tuesday, 7 July 2009


Really tired today, not done a great deal of anything!! Did a layout yesterday, to catch up with scrap like you mean it, and will try to do some more tomorrow, only 7 more to catch up with. I also have to make some bunting for the girls school at the local village fete. (Huh, more sewing!!) Hmmm, might make some more cards too! Watch this space!!

Thursday, 2 July 2009


I've made two cards today! (Recognise the charm?.....yes, I've used one at last!) And I've really enjoyed making them. Don't know if I can part with them now tho'!! (What am I like?!?!) Ha, like anyone wants to buy them anyway!