Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Credit crunch!

Well, I guess there really is no money around!! I came home with both fudge AND cakes, apparently unheard of before, but at least it won't go to waste!! (maybe waist!?!?)

Since the weekend, I've finished the last bags, and they've gone now, so hopefully back to card making and scrapping tomorrow. I have just set an inter team challenge for my social group on UK Scrappers; use a curve or circles, use something shiny, use something you've bought recently. I think I will do my layout in the morning. I also have to catch up with Scrap like you mean it, another weekly challenge on UKS.

Thursday, 25 June 2009


Yesterday I posted the first five bags (hope they get to you Karen!!!), and today I've delivered one to the TA at school, so only five more to go!! I've also been making fudge for a summer craft fair on Saturday. I'm also taking cards, bears and other stuff, but not bags, cos the person who invited me makes bags and other material things (very pretty!) so I won't tread on any toes!!!

Monday, 22 June 2009

Happy Monday!

I'm happy dancing round the house, but quietly panicking too! I've just had two orders of five bags, plus a teaching assistant wants one, so I'm going to be busy with my sewing machine for a wee while!! (Thanks Karen!!) Who says I don't sew?!?! Yikes!!!! I've got all the material cut today, but we had Brownies this evening and I was one of the parent helpers, and we went for a lovely walk around Old Sarum ruins, phew!! Feet are killing me now!!!

Friday, 19 June 2009

Another busy day!

Hey hey, what a great cake sale! I spent the morning baking and icing, then took my produce to school and managed to sell the three bags I made, some cards and some other things I took along! I also sold 15 out of 20 bags of fudge. (I'm kinda glad some was left - its very yummy!! and almost all gone already!! we all feel sick now!)

Thursday, 18 June 2009


Been making fudge today, twenty bags for our cake sale at school tomorrow, fairy cakes to make tomorrow morning. This evening, I feel the need to use some of those charms! Hmmmm, a spot of card making I think, with my very best bezzie!!!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Busy day.

I've been busy today, preparing for Jaynes visit, made three more bags and did a layout for Scrap Like You Mean It, a year long challenge with a new LO to make every week. (Of course, I just had to include their birthday AND my bags!)

I also took some pics of the cards I made them!

They are too young for real high heels,(which they wanted desparately) so I made them some!!! Ha ha!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Can't wait!!!!

My bezzie is visiting tomorrow, whoopee!


A trip to town for a dentist appointment turned into a shopping trip when we arrived to be told that they had sent us a letter to cancel the appt. "ages ago"!! Hmmm. OK, lets go shopping instead! The girls had birthday money burning a hole in their pockets, so a visit to the most expensive soft toy shop in town was in order. (I have to say that I was exactly the same, a complete push over for a teddy with a "take me home" face!!) They did make good choices tho', a husky to be called "Avalanche" and an orangutan called "Kiki" - both very cuddly!!
I also bought more material to make some more bags! (Shakes head, Why, why, I don't do sewing!!!!)

Monday, 15 June 2009

A challenge

I found these charms for £1 so of course just had to have them! Just need to make some cards to put them on now! Watch this space!

By the way, the cake is delicious!!! (Even if the photo is rubbish!)

And relax!!!!!!

Phew, who knew that six 10(ish) year old girls would make so much noise!

Well, they all loved their bags, and I think they all had a good time. There was a lot of DS playing with lots of shrieking, and most of the plates were empty after tea!! Guess what mum forgot to do tho'!! Where was the birthday cake that we stayed up til midnight to bake!!! Yep, completely forgot it until everyone went home! We will take some into school tomorrow now, as I have one girl home (with excitement exhaustion) and the other one reluctantly going in with promises that if she still feels so tired later, she can ask to come home! Thank goodness for understanding teachers!

Friday, 12 June 2009

Wow, I've done it!

Well, after thinking about it for a while, I've finally created a blog - scary!!!
Don't expect postings every day, I will defo be a bad blogger, but I'll do my best!

Todays offering, I'm really busy making things for the girls party on Sunday, I really should be making bags and covering notebooks! (Yes, I don't do sewing, but somehow I've been doing lots of it lately, why am I sewing party bags? Answer - don't like the plastic throw away type!) I'll try to post a piccy later, but I really should get back to the making now!