Wednesday 28 April 2010

OK, so its been a few days!! I still have no time at all, but I have been moving my craft room and although I cannot find a single thing at the moment, it will be so nice to have a place for everything!! It may even encourage me to get on and actually do something for a change!!! If the weather at the weekend is as bad as forecasted, it might even get finished, so I will defo post some piccies!! Hey, a challenge for me!! LOL!! One I should be able to manage.

Tuesday 13 April 2010


Hey, I'm back again, still with nothing exciting to say, but I'm here!!! LOL!!

Back to work this week, ho hum, even less time to spare again, but the girls are enjoying going to the childminders, much more fun than boring old mum!!! (Much more expensive too!!)

At least the weather has been wonderful, I saw the bottom of my washing basket for the first time in months this weekend, didn't last long tho'! Its so much easier to fling your clothes in the basket than fold and put away isn't it!! Kids, huh!!

Well, I'll try to get some creating done, you never know, I might even get some photos in the next few days. Don't hold your breath !!! :)

Thursday 8 April 2010


Well, I've made it back today, whoopee!!! Not done much today, just finishing off the girls "Big Bedroom Tidy" almost done, as least you can see the floor now!! LOL!! I'm going to go & do a scrapbook layout now, I have spent enough time doing things for everyone else, so a spot of Me time is in order!!

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Oh my!!!

How can five months have gone by, surely there must be some kind of mistake!!! Where did Christmas go? and is it spring already??

On a more serious note, my Nan died just after Christmas and so we have been doing a lot of sorting out and work has been just crazy! I do not have two minutes together, I seem to be running to keep up with myself and just want to sit and veg at the end of the day!!! No good at all and totally not me.

Well, I don't promise to keep up with my blogging, but it won't be five months again, promise!!:)