Wednesday 30 September 2009

Here is a LO made with Jaynes fabulous kit, love it this month although I'd never think to put these colours together, they really work well!
The journalling reads "Every year we plant pumpkin seeds, just for Halloween Jack O'lanterns. Last year was awful, the plants did not grow at all. This year, although the little things took a while to get started, at least we will have some "mini" jacks for the front doorstep."

I really must get on and do some more sewing; there is a purse and a tote bag to be made by Thursday and the material is sitting behind me waiting to be cut!! I'm also going to hook out some old teddy pattern books and see if I can adapt some patterns for material, not fur! Don't think my lovely machine would be very happy to sew fur fabric at the moment - I'll need to treat it to bigger needles I think!!

Friday 25 September 2009

More pencil cases.

I've had some requests for boys pencil cases, so here we are!!

Navy Seal, Desert Storm and Camo, no less!! (Good old Fabricland!) One problem, they need edging by the zip, so I've hooked out some twill ribbon. I think I need bias binding, but I've NO idea how to use it!!

I also found some gorgeous fake tiger skin, so that one is in the process of being made!! Pics to follow when its complete, of course!

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Look what I've made!!

I'm feeling very chuffed today, I've figured out how to make a zipped purse! - Pics at the bottom. (Recognise the material Jayne?)

Here are some pictures of some bags I've made recently, too! The blue one is reversable. (Thank you Olive, for showing me how!!)

Right, back to the machine to make some more purses, whoopee!!!

Wednesday 16 September 2009


I'm here!!! After a weekend of decorating and having the living room (and house) in turmoil, we are actually getting somewhere and starting to get things back in their right places. We had no intention of starting the painting just yet, but, so typically of our family, dashed straight ahead. I have to say, it does look great and so very clean and its only taken us four years to get around to!!!

Apart from that, although I seem to have had a chaotic week, I've got nothing done, so a very boring blog, I'm afraid!! Hopefully next week, I'll be back to normal and will have more news!!!

Monday 7 September 2009

A catch up.

Two layouts using Jayne's September kit (

Ah, phone call catch ups and general tidying today, booo-rrrring, but necessary! (Might sneak off later to make another cushion cover, though!)

Saturday 5 September 2009

The joys of country life.....

.....are many, but broadband speed is NOT one of them!!!! I will try to upload the photos from yesterday, but I have been trying for an hour to write an email, so don't hold your breath!!!

Aha, I think we've got it!!! Pencil cases and a cushion cover!! Ta da!!!

OK, enough excitement for one day, I think!!! See you soon!

Friday 4 September 2009


OK, so the holiday went like a weekend.... much too fast, but now that the girls are back at school, I have time to sew and scrap again! I have been busy sewing (hmmm might have to rename my blog) and have made some pencil cases for the girls as I refuse to pay £6 + for a shop bought one! Katie found some fake suede in a fabulous (cheap) fabric shop while we were away, and wanted a cushion cover made from it, so I made one which has gone down so well I now have to make another to match it!! My broadband is playing up at the mo. so I will add a photo later. Also, I'm trying to scrap, and upload the LO I've done with Jaynes flowers, so I'll be back later!!